Church Leader Resources

An LGBT discussion within the ward or branch is not only something that might happen, it is something that should happen. Statistically, someone in your immediate family identifies as LGBTQ+ and by those same statistics between 18-26 people in your ward also identify somewhere within the LGBT spectrum. Very few of us plan or prepare for our child, spouse, family member, or friend to come out. But when they do, how well prepared are you? As a church leader, are you able to show empathy, love and understanding?

So, where do you begin? How can you better understand a topic that has often been “off limits” and doctrinally confusing?

Latter Gay Stories has created a simple, easy to follow discussion manual to help bishops, auxiliary leaders and Latter-day Saints facilitate a doctrine based LGBT discussion within your wards, branches or auxiliaries. The scriptures, videos and references in the manual below have been sourced from, and other church produced sources. It is perfectly normal to have a candid discussion about this topic. And if you desire, let’s connect (send a message through the contact tab on this site) and I am happy to put you in touch with other bishops and stake presidents who are openly discussing LGBT topics in their units.

We invite you to follow the words of Elder M. Russell Ballard who said:

“We need to listen to and understand what our LGBT brothers and sisters are feeling and experiencing. Certainly, we must do better than we have done in the past so that all members feel they have a spiritual home where their brothers and sisters love them and where they have a place to worship and serve the Lord.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Download the LDS | LGBTQ+ Church Leader Lesson Plan now:


Church Leader Guide (9036 downloads )

Additional Church Leader Resources and downloads are available by clicking HERE:

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Feel good, knowing you helped!

About the host:
Kyle Ashworth
Kyle Ashworth

He’s the voice behind the Latter Gay Stories Podcast, but more importantly, he cares about helping the LGBTQ community find honesty and authenticity in their journey.
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Feel good, knowing you helped!

About the host:
Kyle Ashworth
Kyle Ashworth

He’s the voice behind Latter Gay Stories Podcast, but more importantly, he cares about LGBT people finding honesty and authenticity in their journey.
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