Sponsor the Cost of an Episode ($500 per episode)
Often individuals and businesses want to sponsor full episodes or share their product or service in conjunction with a topic being discussed on a particular episode of Latter Gay Stories. By sponsoring an episode, you will get reoccurring name mentions, product mentions and specific sponsor benefits.
Product | Business Sponsor ($300 per episode)
We set aside a few minutes at the top of the show to talk about your product or service as it relates to a topic or discussion item within the Latter Gay Stories episode or platform.
One-time or Monthly Donation
Your monthly or one-time donation is an excellent way to support the ongoing production of Latter Gay Stories. We appreciate and use wisely all funds donated to this cause. CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW
Our audience consists mainly of people, friends and family members who identify somewhere along the LGBTQ spectrum. Our listeners are often current or former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and are navigating their journey as LGBT identifying or friends, family, and allies to LGBT people.
Each episode receives around 1800 unique downloads in the first 3 months of its publishing, 70% of those downloads occurring in the first 30 days.
Become a Sponsor
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