Home and Family Resources

“Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another…”

The Family | A Proclamation to the World

As parents, an LGBT discussion within our family is not only something that might happen, it is something that should happen. Statistically, someone in your immediate family identifies as LGBTQ+ and by those same statistics between 8-10 people in your ward also identify somewhere along the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Over the last few years, better understanding and greater acceptance provided a path for more people to “come out” and share their very personal feelings of sexual attraction.

The discussion of this topic should not be considered embarrassing or inappropriate.

Very few of us plan or prepare for our child, spouse, family member or friend to come out as gay, bisexual or even trans. But when they do, how well prepared are we? Are you able to show unconditional love and understanding? No amount of hiding from, or ignoring the topic will prevent a person that you know from changing their sexuality. We have the beautiful opportunity to embrace and enjoy all people for who–and what they are.

Latter Gay Stories has created a simple, easy to follow discussion manual to help you facilitate a doctrinal based LGBT discussion within your own home. Use this resource as an opportunity to focus on loving and better understanding all of Heavenly Father’s children. The prophet has asked Latter-day Saints to create a home-centered church with discussions that are centralized to our individual families with the goal of developing more meaningful Christlike attributes.

We invite you to follow the words of Elder M. Russell Ballard who said:

“We need to listen to and understand what our LGBT brothers and sisters are feeling and experiencing. Certainly, we must do better than we have done in the past so that all members feel they have a spiritual home where their brothers and sisters love them and where they have a place to worship and serve the Lord.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Download the LDS | LGBTQ+ Home and Family Guide now:

DOWNLOAD HERE: Home and Family Guide (7070 downloads )

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Feel good, knowing you helped!

About the host:
Kyle Ashworth
Kyle Ashworth

He’s the voice behind the Latter Gay Stories Podcast, but more importantly, he cares about helping the LGBTQ community find honesty and authenticity in their journey.
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Feel good, knowing you helped!

About the host:
Kyle Ashworth
Kyle Ashworth

He’s the voice behind Latter Gay Stories Podcast, but more importantly, he cares about LGBT people finding honesty and authenticity in their journey.
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