The truth is, my coming out journey was really about coming to terms internally with what being gay meant for my personal life goals and life vision. Once I learned to accept and love myself, I then felt comfortable in sharing one of the most intimate parts of me with my friends and family.

There were many times in my life that I contemplated coming out. I vividly recall opportunities as a youth growing up, bishop interviews, my mission, college and even trying to date. I could never find the “perfect” moment to come out. In hindsight I have learned that there never is a “perfect” moment. Every situation to come out will have its nuances. The key is to just do it. Come out.

My first coming out was to myself, in my bedroom as a twelve year old boy. I knew I was gay and I had to accept that part of me. That process of acceptance included personal self exploration, prayer, education and the sad feeling that I would never be able to love in this life (those were the thoughts of a young Mormon boy.)

My next coming out would come 11 years later. I was in college and had returned home from serving a full time mission. I sat my parents down separately (they are divorced) and shared with them what my future looked like. It included the hope that I could find a man to marry, adopting children and experiencing the highs and lows of life.

From there I came out to other friends and family members. Each new coming out experience gets easier and easier.

Six months after coming out, I asked my friends and family if they noticed anything different about who I was and they all said “you’re the same person, just a lot happier, more fun, and less tense.”

Now looking back, coming out really broke down the barriers and deepened my relationship with those close to me. It allowed me to live my authentic life the way it was meant to be lived. Now after five years of being out, I wouldn’t trade being gay for the world!

We want to hear your story–here’s how to share it with us!

Each Sunday we feature a new Coming Out Story on the Latter Gay Stories blog. Coming out is an important process that is different for everyone; some experiences are difficult; while others are heart-warming and inspiring. Coming out is rarely easy–but your story will help others draw inspiration from your own experience. We rely on weekly submissions to keep the Coming Out Stories alive and invite you to share your story now.


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