Hi, I’m Cameron

I am grateful for courage. Particularly the courage to be vulnerable and finally allow myself to be seen. I’ve made some effort to be more real and honest the last little while when I post on here but social media … Read the rest here

Hi, I’m Layne

My son Danny had always planned to serve a mission, following a generations old family tradition. By his senior year, he had developed a deep understanding of the gospel, and he was passionate about helping others to love themselves and … Read the rest here

Hi, I’m Annie

“No.. no, no, no… Shit.” The words echoed in my brain like a thousand drums, beating in rhythm to my pounding heart.

I had started a new university after being disillusioned at BYU. All the meetings, socials, and mingles gave … Read the rest here

Hi, I’m Travis

Travis Roberts is a father of five who recently finished a career as an attorney for the Army. While he has a fascinating coming-out story, he instead wanted to focus this post on appreciation for straight and cis allies in the … Read the rest here

Hi, I’m Cheryl

My name is Cheryl Smith. Writing my story is really pushing me out of my “comfort zone” for a few reasons. First, I am a private person and I actually really care about what people think about me. It’s something … Read the rest here

Hi, I’m Jordan

My name is Jordan—I work as the Chief Programming Officer at Encircle. I truly believe that everyone’s story is equally as important and equally as true, and I admire everyone for being willing to listen and to share this experience … Read the rest here