135: Jennifer and Shaunie | Stepping Across Lines To Embrace Our Happiness

Shaunie Schow was a small-town Idaho woman who served as a Relief Society President and in the Stake Relief Society presidency.

Jennifer Saunders was the complete opposite.

Individually, they navigated their desires to love and be loved. They both worked … Read the rest here

134: David Staker and Rob Schopke: Finding Ourselves and Finding Each Other

ā€œWe were not only gay. We were not only married. But we were also attending Churchā€”with our children, and the Church didnā€™t know how to handle all of that. It took a couple of General Authorities to determine the fate … Read the rest here

132: Bernie Jessop | From Mormonism to Polygamy: How A Gay Man Found His Path

He was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in a turn of events Bernie was excommunicated. His excommunication didnā€™t come because he is gayā€”that would come laterā€”but because he joined a fundamentalist polygamous church.

How … Read the rest here

129: Keindrick Willis | My Personal, Mental and Spiritual Tug-of-War

A convert to the Church from Alabama, Keindrick did everything exactly “Mormon”. While serving a mission to New York he also identified his sexuality.

This story is Keindrick’s journey coming out, attending BYU, dealing with bigotry and finding joy in … Read the rest here