Hi, I’m Kevin. I have been out as gay to a good portion of my friends and family for the past 10+ years. For a short period, there was a liberation from “coming out”. Something was comforting to those around me as I continued to live straight but identified as gay. I wasn’t living the “lifestyle” or acting gay, so life continued in the status quo. Meanwhile, I was dying inside.
Please don’t misunderstand.
I was very literally dying inside.
The details of which are too much for this post, but I find myself alive today by the grace of God.
In the past year, I have made choices that now allow me to live authentically and congruently with how God made me. I have learned so much over the past year. Unfortunately, some of those closest to me could only love the less honest and limited version of myself. I have lost friends and family which breaks my heart but, I could no longer trade my peace and happiness to satisfy others who only loved me conditionally.
I am far from perfect. My need to live authentically has caused pain and heartache, but those who truly love me see past the pain and rejoice in my happiness. I didn’t used to believe it, but God also rejoices in my choice to live as He created me. I have never felt closer to God than I have in the past year. He has wrapped me in his arms and I pray that he will heal the pain of everyone. For now, I am grateful to be alive and living in a way that would make 13-year-old Kevin proud.
#InMyOwnWords #LatterGayStories


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