I will take the challenge and share my coming out story.
So, I was 23 or 24 and still living at home. Really, I was only sleeping at home. I had 1 full time and 4 part time jobs and tried to work as many hours as possible just to distract myself from the pain of knowing I was going to be alone forever. Knowing that I could never be my true self without my family disowning me. I was so depressed and so tired that when I would get home I would go right to bed. Sometimes I would fall asleep crying softly into my pillow. I was holding this secret inside. Not able to tell anyone for fear that I would be rejected by the people I loved the most.

On one of the rare days when I wasnât working, I was sitting in the kitchen with my mom, eating a bowl of cereal. My mom was standing at the kitchen sink doing some dishes. I could tell something was bothering her but she needed a push to get it off her chest. So, I asked her what was wrong. She put down the dish she was drying and turned to look at me while leaning against the sink.
She called me by my full name, and said she loved me, and told me that she knew I was having a hard timeâshe was worried about me. She told me she had been praying, trying to understand what was bothering me. Trying to understand why her son was so depressed and why he seemed stuck. She told me that as she was walking past my room one night, she suddenly stopped outside my bedroom door. She said it just came to her. That the Holy Ghost told her what was bothering me. She told me that the Holy Ghost told her that I was âstruggling with same sex attraction.â
She stopped talking and I started to cry. She came over from the sink and pulled me into a hug and she told me that she loved me no matter what.
And I cried and I hugged my mom. It was as simple as that.
I came out. Well, that is how the Holy Ghost outed me to my mother.
We want to hear your storyâhere’s how to share it with us…
Each Sunday we feature a new Coming Out Story on the Latter Gay Stories website. Coming out is an important process that is different for everyone. Some experiences are difficult; while others are heart-warming and inspiring.
Coming out is rarely easyâbut your story will help others draw inspiration and make progress by learning from your experiences.
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