I grew up thinking it wasn’t possible to just BE gay— it was something one had to CHOOSE. It wasn’t until after my mission that I realized it wasn’t a choice for me at all.

I fell fast and hard for a friend, and everything clicked into place. Nothing had ever felt more right and more good. I truly felt like I’d finally found my life’s purpose. My then secret girlfriend felt differently than me— she felt guilty and wanted to stay loyal to the church. She encouraged me to tell a church leader about it. I scheduled an appointment with my bishop, and I told him everything.


That’s how I came out to him. He handled it like I was another member of his ward, all business. It felt good to tell someone though, and after that I had the courage to come out to other family and friends. I got a variety of responses— everything from sadness and disappointment to happiness and celebration. I’ve chosen to live for the happiness and celebration.

Coming out is a lifelong process, and as scary as it can be, I’m grateful for the opportunities I get to share my authentic self with others.

We want to hear your story–here’s how to share it with us!

Each Sunday we feature a new Coming Out Story on the Latter Gay Stories blog. Coming out is an important process that is different for everyone; some experiences are difficult; while others are heart-warming and inspiring. Coming out is rarely easy–but your story will help others draw inspiration from your own experience. We rely on weekly submissions to keep the Coming Out Stories alive and invite you to share your story now.


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