June is Pride Month. I’m embarrassed to say I used to feel bothered by that. I wondered why so much focus needed to be placed on something that wasn’t going to bring anyone happiness. I wasn’t homophobic. I’ve always loved my gay family and friends. I just felt like people could live their lives and not have to put rainbows on everything. I kept it all at a distance. It didn’t really affect me and I wanted to keep it that way.
Until my daughter came out.
I was blind to the pain. Blind to the judgement. Blind to the harmful messages.

I now see my gay brothers and sisters and I stand in awe. The strength, the love, the talents, the dynamic personalities…our world is so blessed to have this diversity.

This painting of Jesus by J. Kirk Richards hangs in our home as a reminder that all are loved. All are needed. The other was painted by Lucy. I’m proud of her courage and her vulnerability. I’m grateful for the impact she has on our family.
We would not be whole without her.
So to my LGBTQ family and friends, this year I celebrate you.
I see you.
I stand with you.