
The articles and postings below are resources that we endorse. We believe them to be powerful and educational in understanding and navigating the intersection of faith and sexuality.

What Do We Know of God’s Will For His LGBT Children?
An Examination of the LDS Church’s Position on Homosexuality

Bryce Cook is a founding member of ALL (Arizona LDS LGBT) Friends & Family and a co-director of the “ALL Are Alike Unto God” Conference. Bryce is the father of two gay sons and is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

This essay is among one of the most complete and comprehensive essays written on the topic of homosexuality and Mormonism. Cited and sourced, this resource is an in-depth study of the tradition, historicity and evolution of homosexuality within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


LDS LGBT Family Acceptance Project
*This resource was certified as a Best Practice for Suicide Prevention document by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
This booklet offers basic information to help Latter-day Saint parents and caregivers support their LGBT children; to reduce their children’s health risks, including depression, suicide, substance abuse and HIV infection; and to promote their well-being.

On the Record | LDS Comments and Historicity of Homosexuality
If we are to understand the progress that has been made to better understand homosexuality, we must understand where we’ve been.  “On the Record” is intended to establish an historical accounting of the LDS Church’s education, policy, disclosure and messaging against homosexuals and homosexuality.  Many of the positions and postures contained within this document are no longer used as doctrines or policies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 
*Some readers may find these statements to be painful and difficult to read.

On The Record (121801 downloads )

An open letter to Church Leaders | Tom Christofferson
Tom Christofferson, brother of Apostle D. Todd Christofferson and the openly gay author of That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith & Family was asked by LDS Church leadership to offer advice to ward, branch, and stake leaders on how to best understand LGBTQ members in their units.

Tom Christofferson | A Response to Church Leaders (5113 downloads )

Home and Family Guide | Understanding Our Differences
Recently the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invited its members to create a home centered church program for their families. In an effort to better understand the LDS and LGBT experience, this fully produced lesson manual will guide you through a gospel based LGBT discussion for your family. This manual is the perfect guide to help you present a ‘kitchen table’ or Family Home Evening discussion. All resources and scriptures used in the lesson are from and other church approved sources.

Home and Family Guide (7070 downloads )

Church Leader Guide | Facilitating an LGBT Discussion in Your Congregation
Following the admonition from Elder Ballard to “get to know our LGBT brothers and sisters better,” this resource manual has been created to assist stake presidents, bishops and auxiliary leaders with hosting an LGBT discussion within your church setting. In an effort to better understand the LDS and LGBT experience, this fully produced lesson manual will guide you through a gospel based LGBT discussion for your stake, ward or branch. All direct quotes, scriptures and video resources used in the lesson are from and other church approved sources.

Church Leader Guide (9037 downloads )

Ministering | A Guide to Ministering to LGBTQ+ People and Their Families
This ministering guide is provided as an additional resource to help you better understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, their friends, and families.
The information provided within this resource was compiled by Rebecca Simpson Craft, M.Ed.S., LEP, Newport Beach Stake, California, from her perspective navigating her journey within the LGBTQ+ space.

LDS LGBT Ministering Guide (4662 downloads )